Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brenton's Birthday!

My sweetheart turned 24 this past week. Since it was on Tuesday, we opened his presents on Monday night for Family Home Evening. This way we didn't have to get up super early on Tuesday morning and open them before work.

Nationals hat and cap rack for his closet.

Golf tees that Ryan helped pick out by kicking to the right or left to show preference.

Digital picture frame that was on my desk at work, that will now be for his desk at work.

Then on Tuesday, we had cake and Brenton made his birthday wish.

I managed to get him a few presents he wasn't expecting, which was a success for me. I have a hard time getting Brenton presents. Boys tend to like expensive things, and when you've set a budget for the birthday, pricey stuff isn't really feasible. However, I feel I did pretty well, and Brenton was happy.

BYU game-day flags for the car.

Coach's size baseball bag for his work's softball team.

Official Bobby Flay cast-iron skillet and quesadilla flipper for my Master Chef.

Happy Birthday, Brenton. I love you more and more every single day, and can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you, including the upcoming official birth day of our little boy!


  1. Those are very thoughtful gifts!!! Good job little mommy! :o) I agree boys ARE difficult to shop for, and unfortunately it only gets worse with time. Very quickly I felt like I'd exhausted my "gift idea" list for Scott. His first birthday after we were married though was awesome, and I remember it fondly. We've used his gift with you- it was that little travel charcoal grill, that I carried home on the bus from walmart, along with a bag of grilling tools. Now that's true, newlywed love. Remember when we had a BBQ with it on Y mountain? That was fun! Miss you, we're very excited for Ry-Ry to come!!

  2. PS- I was in your almost exact shoes before Anny was born. Scott's birthday was the 1st of July, with Anny due the 23. I look back at his birthday pictures, and wish I could whisper to the "me" in them, "you're almooooooost there!"

    I'll just whisper it to you instead.

    "Pssst, Kate, you're allllllllmoooooooooooooost there!"
