Saturday, April 30, 2011

Two Years

What more can I say about the amazing man that I married? Should I tell you how he always puts me first? Or  how he finds little ways to make me feel special every single day? I could go on for hours about how in his mind, I really am a princess, and am therefore treated as such. Maybe the best thing I could say is I'm pretty convinced the first thought that comes into his mind every morning is, "How can I make my sweet wife happy today?"

Two years ago I knelt across an alter and promised to love, honor, and cherish Brenton for time and all eternity. Every time I think about it my heart fills with gratitude for the Restoration of the gospel, and the blessings that come through faithful obedience to the ordinances of the temple. Marriage has brought me greater joy and prosperity than I ever imagined.

I'm amazed that two years have passed by since my wedding day. While that may have been the day I looked the prettiest, it isn't the day I've been the happiest. Yes, up to that point, it was. However, since being married to my best friend my happiness has only continued to increase. There have been challenges both emotionally and physically, but there have also been immense blessings, the greatest one being the birth of our son, Ryan. Nothing in this life can compare to the joy that comes from seeing your child for the very first time, and knowing that he is sealed to you and your spouse forever. Even if all you get to do that first time is feel his tiny hand wrapped around your finger as he lies in a NICU bed, the bond is still there.

To my dear husband, I love you, I adore you, and I admire you in so many ways. You are the best choice I ever made, and the best part of each day is discovering more reasons as to why you are the perfect fit for me. May this next year be as wonderful as the first two of our 50-year honeymoon, and once that honeymoon's over, let's start another one. Happy Anniversary, sweetheart.


  1. Happy Anniversary Kate and Brenton. I don't know about you, but to me your pictures get sweeter and happier as they progress in time.

  2. This is so sweet! Happy Anniversary you two!!! :)

  3. Thank you Katiedear. You're my one and only. I love you.

  4. You are too cute! And let this be a lesson to all the single people out there: This is what marriage is supposed to be like! Find someone that can make you this happy and you'll never have to be really worried about anything ever again. Katie, when I read this I just get so happy for your happiness! It's so worth it to have an amazing husband and an amazing marriage!
