Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Day Like This

So mothers, tell me. Have you ever had a day like this?

Your days begins with a baby who peed so much in the night that his diaper is sodden and the sheets need to be washed. You get everything changed, including your baby, and get downstairs in attempt to start the laundry, but your baby is fussing so much that the laundry gets set aside. You get your baby a bottle which he refuses to drink unless you hold it for him, which means you completely forget about breakfast for yourself. Your baby is finally calm enough to play with some toys, and you remember that you need to eat. However, as you go into the kitchen, you hear your baby rip through his diaper in a massive blowout. You don't get there in time, which means he has pooped all the way up his back in his March Madness shirt that matches Daddy's, which they were going to wear that  night while watching the championship game. Not only did he blow through his shirt, but it also seeped into the carpet.

By the time you get everything cleaned up, your baby is sitting in just a diaper while you run the dirty one out to the dumpster, and run upstairs to grab him a new outfit. On your way to start the laundry and get his shirt clean, you receive a text from your bank informing you that your credit card payment is overdue, even though you paid the bill over a week ago. You spend the next half hour battling with customer service to get the problem resolved, and forget all about the laundry.

After feeding your baby cereal with sweet potatoes, which in turn gets all over the tablecloth you just washed the day before, you look over at your sink which is piled high with dirty dishes. You begin scrubbing pots and pans, and while you're up to your elbows in sudsy water, your baby drops his toy and begins screaming. You dry yourself off, put him in his swing for a nap with Baby Einstein on, and go back to the dishes. By the time you get all the dishes done and the dishwasher started, you remember you never started the laundry. However, you remember that you can't have the dishwasher and the clothes washer running at the same time, or your laundry room will flood. On the plus side, your baby is finally asleep, and you can go upstairs, fix your hair, and put on some makeup.

You go into the bedroom to make the bed, when you hear your baby crying. Naptime's over, apparently. As you pull your baby out of the swing, you see that he has yet again, pooped through his diaper and consequently, all over the swing. You spend the next hour cleaning your baby, putting him in yet another outfit, and cleaning the swing. The good news is now the dishwasher's done, and you can begin the laundry.

Now that the laundry's started, the day has flown by and you need to get dinner started. It then dawns on you that you've had virtually nothing to eat that day, so you munch on the vegetables you're simultaneously chopping while singing "Old MacDonald" to your fussy baby to keep him happy.

Somehow, the laundry gets done, the house is cleaned up, dinner is prepared, and the baby is in his matching t-shirt for when Daddy gets home. You eat dinner as a family and watch the game together, with your stomach full for the first time all day. You watch your baby smile and giggle as you play with him, and wonder how you ever were happy without him. Then you look at your husband, who is so in love with you, and so in love with his baby boy, and you realize you're the luckiest girl in the world.

Now mothers, have you ever had a day like this? I'm guessing the answer is, "when have I NOT had a day like this?"


  1. I've had days like that and I'm not a mother!

  2. What a day!!! I definitely would have gotten frustrated and stressed out after that kind of day, but I'm glad it ended well with the two loves of your life! I can't believe how big Ryan is getting! What a cutie!

  3. Wow, I'm tired reading your post. The good news is that not all days are like this --- just most of them. :) I hope for your sake that once you start feeding Ryan a more solid diet you'll never have to worry about blowouts unless he's sick. They should turn to pellets. hehe

    I'm so sorry you had such a rough day! But so glad you felt happy about how it ended. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that tomorrow is a completely different kind of less-tiring day.

  4. What a GREAT Mommy & Wife you are!! :o)

  5. A Little Un-asked for advice from your Bossy Big Sister (I always have plenty!)

    a)you need a diaper pail! $20 at walmart, you'll use it for the next 20 years. No more running out of the apt every time you have a bad diaper!
    b)I think it's time to go up a size in diapers. If he has pee'd/pooped out of three in one day, that's a good sign it's time to go up. Pay no attention to the weight recommendations on the box, they're never right. If you still have diapers from the too small package, save 'em. You'll use them with your next kid.
    c)sometimes you have to let your baby cry in order to eat. It's a part of being a mom. Our mom says if they're crying, they're breathing, so it's ok. Even if he's crying while sitting in poop, he can wait 10 minutes while you scarf a sandwich. The poopy situation will still be there after you've eaten.
    d)if you have a special baby outfit for a special moment, save it just for that moment. In otherwords, his cute shirt for that night, put on right before the game.
    e)you had a great attitude, and were fortunate your day ended so well! The more common tale is your husband comes home from a very tiring day, to see a sink full of dirty dishes, piles of laundry on the floor, no dinner ready, you still in your PJ's, cleaning a poopy crying son, with Baby Einstin on in the background instead of the game, and an empty yet still swinging baby swing. Se la vie! Your loving husband will sigh and ask how he can help. You'll cry a little, and then ask him to make mac 'n cheese, feed the baby, and do some dishes while you go take a shower. By the time you've finished scriptures and the bedtime routine, you can fall asleep on the couch as your husband catches the 2nd half of the game. Everyday isn't like that. There are others where your son quietly entertains himself while you clean your house, do a little yoga, have dinner simmering in the crockpot, and a pie for dessert, all with time to take photos and blog about your fabulous day. Either that or you can spend the day taking a much needed break doing nothing except laying on the couch with a book in your PJ's!

  6. Katie! You are a great writer and so is Liz! I loved both your styles! I could see it all... Even though Brenton and his siblings have been out of diapers for many, many years you never quite forget the exhaustion and joy of being a mom with babies to create your daily schedule for you.

  7. Just saw "Atlas Shrugged," the movie that the movie critics don't want you to see. Great movie. It will make you feel that raising little geniuses can be all worthwhile.

  8. What a story! Days like that just make you want to be single again and just have to worry about how to make pastaroni and study for american heritage...on that note I never want to be single again. American heritage sucked! Even though it's tough, you have such a great life! Your baby is adorable and your husband is the cream of the crop! It's so great that you can take time to realize that, even on hard days. I'm excited for when my life is a little more like yours :)
