Saturday, July 17, 2010

Zucchinis and Bumpers

Thursday I finally harvested our first zucchinis from the garden. They were huge! We were so excited to see our hard work from planting, weeding, and watering finally turn out a delicious result. So far we had only been able to pick our herbs from the garden, so it was really nice to finally pick some veggies. Here is a picture of the three of them together, and then of the largest one by itself. I put it next to a soda can for a size reference so you can see just how big it really was when harvested. Needless to say we had our first zucchini bread of the summer that day, too.

In other exciting news, I had my 34-week check-up this past week, and everything looks great. Ryan moves a lot in my tummy. He's very responsive to us when we speak to him, and is getting bigger by the day. He's gearing up for his big day, and we can't wait!

We have practically everything in place for when he comes. One of the last few things needed was his crib bumpers. I found this adorable baseball fabric at the store that I decided to use for the bumpers. Originally, I bought foam that Brenton and I were going to cut to make the bumpers ourselves, but after trying to cut foam just right, and realizing it was much more difficult than anticipated, we went to the store and bought a simple set of cream bumpers that I just covered with the baseball fabric. It's one of the first big projects I've attempted on my sewing machine, and it came out just as perfect as I had hoped. I'm pretty proud of myself. Now all that's left is using the leftover fabric to make curtains and a pillow for the glider in his nursery. Here's a picture of his crib. I also crocheted the stacking rings in the corner.

That's about it for now. We're narrowing down to the last few weeks, and I'm so ready! I'm not nervous or worried, just excited, tired, and very hot in the sweltering July weather. Remind me to plan for a winter delivery when it comes to round two of Hoyos' babies.


  1. Wow Katie you are so talented! That crib looks amazing! I am excited for you.

  2. Oh, the bumper looks so good!!!! The only way to make that crib cuter is by putting the baby in it!!
