Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Super Mom Day

Most days I'm scrambling to get a few tasks accomplished while taking care of my sweet little boy. But every once and again I have a Super Mom day. Last Monday was one of them.

I woke up early, fed Ryan breakfast and went for my morning walk with a friend. After an invigorating walk, I caught up on a weekend's worth of e-mails, played with Ryan, then put him down for his nap. I got a shower, got ready for the day, cleaned the upstairs, made the bed, started the laundry, and tidied up the downstairs. Then Ryan was up.

Later, I had a friend over and we worked on crafts while playing with Ryan. I finished a sweater I was crocheting, and taught Ryan how to say, "moo," when he saw the cow in one of his books. My friend and I then diced several tomatoes, and I let them marinade in their juices with garlic, basil, salt, pepper and olive oil for the next four hours, to be served for dinner with angel hair.

In the meantime I finished the laundry, and washed the mountain of dishes in the kitchen from a whole weekend of being lazy. Then I scoured the kitchen counters and sink, and while doing so saw the bread maker. "Hmmmm," I thought. "Fresh bread sounds delicious!" So, I put in the ingredients and pressed start.

After doing so many dishes and cleaning the kitchen, I wanted to make sure my little boy didn't feel neglected, so we played for the next hour and a half, laughing and playing with the hose as I watered the garden. Then we went inside and ate handfuls of fresh cherry tomatoes, giggling at how good they tasted.

Before I knew it, Ryan was ready for his afternoon nap. I placed him in his crib and went downstairs. Suddenly, I realized I had nothing left to do! The house was clean, laundry done, dinner made, bread cooling on the counter. Could I actually have some free time? In amazement, I curled up on the couch and read a book until Brenton came home and Ryan woke up.

I wish every day was this fabulous and productive, but then I probably wouldn't have appreciated it as much as I did. Brenton came home to a charming, beautiful, happy wife, and we had a lovely evening together.

So here's to having Super Mom days! Though they may be few and far between, they are worth every minute, and I feel it's the Lord's way of telling me I'm doing just fine.

And as a side note, did I mention I'm down to my last 7 pounds of post-pregnancy weight? Oh yeah!!


  1. Glad you had such an awesome day! And woo-hoo to that awesome photo of you - you look good, girl!!

  2. Aren't those kind of days WONDERFUL! I love the days when I go to sleep feeling productive from the day. =) By the way, you are looking GREAT!!!! =) I'm so happy for you!

  3. So I'm really happy for you that you had such an awesome day and that you got so much done and got to relax, but...Did you know you're a Super Mom every day? It's true!

  4. AWESOME!! i know those days are sparse for me...but they sure do make me feel awesome when they happen. I could use one... you look great by the way!
