Tuesday, November 9, 2010

October Memories

October was a fun month for me. Fall is my favorite season by far, and it was so great to share it with Ryan. We spent many mornings taking walks in the stroller so he could see the leaves change and feel the wind brush his cheeks. Ryan also experienced his first Halloween, and went as "Super Baby." Mom and Dad matched with shirts and capes reading, "Super Mom" and "Super Dad." I love being a mom, and Brenton is the best dad. Who knew I could be so in love with two boys? They make every day a joy. Here's a two-minute capture of the month.


  1. That little baseball beanie he was wearing was soooo cute! And he is such a handsome little guy! I'm amazed by how much hair he has on that cute little head of his.

  2. How Precious...Fall is also my FAVORITE season. I can't get enough of it, it's such a beautiful time of year. I Loved the slideshow...such precious memories. You have such a cute little family. :o)

  3. Fun video! I am impressed with how many photos you have of him smiling. So cute. We were sitting behind you at church and I was preoccupied watching little Ryan and noticing how well he looks around and looks at people. And his features really are a combination of the two of you...so you have one beautiful baby!

  4. He gets more beautiful all the time! I see a lot of Hoyos in him -- particularly that 3rd photo in the series. But that's cause I know the Hoyos's so well. I'm sure you are in there too, Katie. One of your friends ran into me the other day and said that Ryan is developing fine on schedule, and we are so happy to hear that news. What a darling little family you are! -- from the Savilles
