Monday, May 23, 2011

Lesson Learned

The other day I was dressing Ryan, like I do every morning. Even though he's nine months, he still hates getting dressed. He squirms, arches his back, and tries get out of putting on clothes in any way he can. This time, he was particularly difficult. Every time I got one leg in, he'd kick it out while I worked on the second leg. Completely exasperated, I looked at my son and said, "Ryan. We do this every single day. You know you have to do this. It would be so much easier if you wouldn't fight me on it!" As soon as the words came out of my mouth I could feel my Heavenly Father smile and say, "Exactly." I was instantly humbled. How many times do I do things my way and not the Lord's? It would be so much easier if I heeded my own advice to my son, and didn't fight Him on it.

I'm grateful that the Lord uses my own life experiences to help me learn the lessons I need to be happier and become more like Him. It was a reminder to me that He knows me, loves me, and wants me to do things His way because it really is easier, and will bring me greater happiness. It turns out I'll be doing just as much learning and growing as my little boy as the years go by. I think that's how the Lord wants it to be.


  1. On my mission, one of our investigators told me that pretty much everything she learned about God, she learned through her kids. I guess there is a reason why the family is such a big part of the plan. Thanks for this post. I needed the reminder.

  2. I have learned a lot from my children. One of the greatest blessings from having them.

  3. Yes, parenting will do that for you.
