Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Angels Round About You

It's been about a week and a half since I came down with the dreaded swine flu, and it was no picnic. I'm back at work and feeling much better, but I still get tired very easily. These past few days at work I've had to hit the ground running to make up for the days I missed, and it's been a struggle, but I've also noticed some wonderful blessings that have helped me get through the particularly rough patches. For me, it has been the fulfillment of the scripture in D&C 84:88 which reads, "And my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you to bear you up."

First, it's been a miracle that Brenton hasn't gotten sick. After a week's worth of being my helpful nurse, he hasn't had a fever or any symptoms of the highly contagious virus. He was so sweet and took care of meals, dishes, cleaning the apartment, and even took me to the movies last Friday to celebrate when my fever finally broke, meaning I was no longer contagious. Saturday marked the one-year anniversary of the day we got engaged, and we celebrated with a bottle of sparkling cider and the last two "Hoyos Oreos" we'd frozen from our wedding reception.

Next, I have been so blessed by my family, friends, and good members of the ward. Last Thursday a sister from my Relief Society walked over a large package to my apartment so I didn't have to go and get it myself from the office. It may have seemed like a simple thing to her, but it meant so much to me to not have to go and get it when I felt so miserable. The package was from my sister, Liz, containing business clothes for me to wear to work. It was a thoughtful gesture that came just when I needed it. Then on Monday, my first day back from being sick, I had a particularly hard day. I came home during my lunch break to eat a quick sandwich and saw a card from my mother informing me that she was sending me two magazine subscriptions. I felt tears spill over my cheeks just seeing my angel mother's handwriting that I love so much. I'm always amazed at how my family knows just when I need help, even when they're on the other side of the country.

Finally, I am so blessed to have a worthy husband who can give me priesthood blessings whenever I need them. After work on Monday I knew that the next few months at my job were going to be very stressful. I asked my husband for a blessing of comfort to know that I would make it through the difficult weeks ahead and feel confident in my abilities. That powerful blessing has made all the difference this week. The very next day I felt like my burdens were lighter. Truly, I felt that there was another person next to me helping me stay calm, focused, and confident. The only other time I've felt that way was on May 10th, 2005 when I was taking my AP Psychology exam. I didn't know why there were angels helping take that exam until afterwards, when I came home to find our house taped off and gutted out from a fire that morning. Both of these experiences though have taught me that angels really do watch over us. Often times I like to think that the ones helping me are my ancestors, who take a few minutes of their time to help their great, great, great, great granddaughter/niece. Either way, I know they are real, and it helps me feel connected to them when I do temple work.

The Lord does love us, and most of the time the way He sends help to us is through His servants. I'm grateful for the angels in my life, whether on this side of the veil or the other, they are a continuous strength to me.


  1. You are the love of my life Katie Anne.
    Love, your adoring husband

  2. Katie,
    Reading this reminded me of that day your 'boyfriend' (now husband) didn't leave after dropping you off in class because he felt something wrong. He was there to pick you up literally that day. As you told me the story, I felt the angels around you to bear you up. I am so glad the tender mercies are still being poured down in your behalf.

    I hope you are feeling better.

    Amy L.
