Friday, December 3, 2010

Gingerbread Boy

The Christmas season's here! I'm so excited that we get to spend it as a family, just the three of us. I've been enjoying getting all the decorations out, putting up the tree and placing gifts under it. One of the new Christmas projects I've been doing this year has been to make little crocheted Christmas toys for Ryan. They look so cute, and I'm happy that he's starting to get into toys to keep him entertained. Lately his favorite has been the little Gingerbread Man. When I finished making it, I handed it over to him and he immediately hugged it close. It was so darling. Here are a few snapshots of our little guy with his new toy.

Since the Christmas toys have turned out so cute, I've decided to start selling other ones after the first of the year. I'll be making little dolls, snugglies, baby dolls, and stuffed animals. I'd start selling them sooner, but I need to build up a stock first, and I just don't have time during the Christmas season. If you're interested, I'll be making a Facebook page about it in a few more weeks so feel free to spread the word. I've decided to call it "Hooked on Toys." Clever, huh? I know. I know. Get excited!!


  1. Yea Katie!! I'm excited about this too!! I love the name you picked for the business too! :)

  2. First off, Ryan is SO adorable...he is growing right up. :o) Second...I Love the little Gingerbread Man you made, it is SO cute! :o) I can't wait to see your page & the adorable things you are going to make. :o)

  3. Darling! Both the toy, and your little man!
